Monday, February 16, 2009

Wow a new color pallette

Danielle just sent me this amazing bridal board (originally from

What is everyone's feeling on Lavender (little know fact: Steve loves the scent of lavender and it was one of the first inside jokes we had as a couple)

I guess I usually associate it with spring, but looking at this board it seems like it could work for October. Also that would solve several flower issues.


  1. I feel really honored you included this...and I know, it suprisingly works

  2. From Dennis:

    The colors are great, but I worry that they will be a little cool for a wedding.

  3. Thanks Dad,

    I'm hoping that using a bunch of candlelight will warm up the colors and it will still have that romantic feel.

  4. Lavandar does have a healthy aroma and the color is from the cool end of the color chart but has a beauty of its own which adds to the warmth of the color scheme.
