It's end of the quarter madness and I've been working loads of overtime. So, not a lot has happened this week. I did manage to track down most of the address on my list of missing ones. Only 11 more to go.
Steve and I went out today and bought all of the leaves for the save the dates and some extra metallic pens. We've had a really hard time finding the envelopes. There's one more place I want to check here in town, otherwise I am just going to order them online.
Steve and I and Sarah have been working on the wedding site. Basic structure is built and we've been populating some of pages with content. Thank You Sarah and Kate who sent their bios already so I could work on that page a little. Sarah also figure out how to remove the table color, which was super frustrating.
Here's the list of Photgraphers we're looking at
8. BCR Studios
11. LCD Photography
13. Z Media
Okay that's the big list I'm working on and if you visit even a few, you'll notice that they're all really different. Here's hoping we figure out what we want, soon.
To that end, I am actually typing my wedding goals for this week in the hopes that the blogsphere will keep me honest.
This week's goals:
1. Narrow Photographer list to 3
2. Email potential DJs with list of demands
3. Find envelopes
4. Make first set of dress appointments
5. First draft of the copydeck
You are so organized!! I can't wait for #4!!