Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hi everyone

So were getting closer and the you can cut the excitment with a cake knife!! were narrowing down the the colors (Navy or dark blue w/ a lavender accents) which looks good even though I was not convinced until I saw them together and now I'm a believer! We should be traveling to Ohio to scout locations in May even though we've pretty much located the spot. (Roses Run). I could use some suggestions on grooms man's gifts. Rather than giving the Norm (Flask w/ initials). So keep on keeping on and BLOG to you soon!


  1. my brother did money clips for his..

    oh, and miranda, i think i'm collecting a fee for giving you the lavendar idea :)

    ill just take kermit..

  2. You guys are really making progress here!! Nice work and lovely choices so far!!! :)

  3. From Dennis (Father of the Bride):

    I'm always in favor of giving the groomsmen something personal based on their personalities. For my wedding I gave my brother a suit, of course that was because he didn't have one.
