Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Basics

Oh yuck we've started a blog...

Ok, but we have a pretty good reason. Our friends and family are terrific! We couldn't possibly plan this wedding and stay sane without you. We've already gotten some great suggestions and we know you have tons more. We really want to make sure that we haven't forgotten to share information with anyone and that everyone who cares knows what's going on.

So we're going to blog it. We'll post the details we know and the questions we have and you let us know what you think (honestly if the dress is ugly I want to know now and not at a drunken Christmas party 10 years from now)

The Stuff we've got so far:

Date: Sunday October 10th 2010 (I know I know it's a Sunday, but I'm pretty stuck on this date)

Location: Somewhere in the wilds of Ohio (we have a short list of vendors we are trying to get quotes from that I'll post in the sidebar)

Wedding Party:

1. Jessica Abernathy
2. Kate Macevicz
3. Allyson Bucy
4. Sarah Maple

1. Todd Bucy
2. Ryan Bucy
3. John O'Rourke
4. Mark Biggins


  1. LOVE this blog!!! And your dress is going to be AMAZING!!! :) So So exciting!

  2. Ok- Patty Bucy Says:

    I was curious, before I voted, what time will the wedding be? 10:10 AM? :o) Afternoon, evening, formal or casual. Morning or noon, I would vote for fruit (causal)or petit fours (formal). Later...cupcakes(causal) or cake (formal). So when you make that decision, I will let you cast my vote as you see fit! Rose Run is a great choice! I think they have limo service too.

    One more thing for you to think about. On Monday, we would like to have a brunch (10:00 or so...keeping with the theme!)for all of the out of towners (maybe others) (thinking 30 max) b4 they head out. I have a wonderful caterer who will take care of it. This might be a nice time for you to open all of your gifts also. Ew.............shipping.

    I really like the blog idea. Excited to read what others think.
